Friday, 11 October 2013

More fungi

Two more species successfully identified: Boletus luridus and Cortinarius violaceus

Boletus luridiformis (syn Boletus erythropus)  the 'lurid bolete'. Found several clusters each about half a dozen strong growing in the pine in OC1 - just off the new clearing. 'Roger's Mushrooms' suggests 'habitat in coniferous, broad-leaved and mixed woodland. Identifiable by the colour, and the way the strong sturdy stem hardly narrows at all, just goes straight into the cap like a tree trunk. Also discolours blue immediately when cut. Supposed to be edible when cooked - I'm not going to try.

Cortinarius violaceus  - purple webcap. Found one broken specimen  near the path by the pond at the northern end of OC1. Took home to identify - see Key features not only colour but shape and the faint woolly covering. Photos do not do it justice. Rare.

Finally, is this a type of honey fungus? Or possibly the shaggy scalecap (Pholiota squarrosa). More research needed. Growing on several old birch stumps cut c 3 years ago in OC1.

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