Tuesday 22 April 2014

Chinking in the sunshine

Here's a short video -  it's not bad considering it was recorded on a phone in brilliant sunshine - showing Krystof making Polish log cabin chinking. He kindly slowed down the process for the video. Quite a meditative activity, like knitting. The cabin should soon be fully chinked at the rate they're going.

Then the only work left to do is to install the windows - ordered from France, but not in stock until the end of May, though we are still searching England for a manufacturer of inward opening windows.  We look forward to using the cabin as our base for forestry work.

Bluebells now in flower, earlier than last year - it's gratifying to see them in such abundance especially where the bracken has been bashed. Don't think there'll be time to do that along the OC1 Ride this Summer, too much work to do in OC2, and ongoing firewood processing. Five Canada Geese and one Grebe spotted on neighbouring Hammer Pond. Hope they'll decide to visit Hawkins Pond soon. 

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